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School Site Council (SSC)

The School Site Council (SSC) was developed to be the vehicle by which the school community would come together to chart the school's path to improvement. The council is made up of a committee of teachers, parents, administrators, and interested community members who work together; and meetings are held monthly and are open to the community.

The SSC is responsible for developing and monitoring the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for a particular school site. The SPSA is a plan that establishes the goals for a school’s student achievement, describes the programs, and identifies the funds used by the school to achieve these goals. The SPSA serves as the organizer for an individual school’s improvement process. Each individual school's SPSA is aligned to the district's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). School Site Councils oversee the SPSA and budgets associated within the plan. School Site Council’s support increases student achievement by focusing their work on the development, monitoring, and evaluation of the SPSA. For more information from the California Department of Education, regarding School Site Councils,  please click HERE.


Image of Pawprint depicting teamwork among School Site Council members