Academics & Assessments
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Practices are used in our daily instructional programming. Grade level standards have been prioritized so that each year students develop and strengthen specific skills and deepen knowledge.
Below is a listing of the current curriculum used for the following subject areas:
- English / Spanish Language Arts: Wonders (McGraw-Hill Publishers)
- Math: Engage New York (Great Minds)
- History / Social Studies: myWorld Interactive (Savvas Learning Company)
- Science: Carolina (Carolina)
Parent-teacher conferences to review and set goals takes place once per school year in mid-October.
Students are provided three Reports of Progress in November, March, and June for each Trimester. Student achievement is reported using a rubric based system.
Students are given the iReady Diagnostic (formative) Assessments in August, December, and late March to pinpoint skill acquisition or areas of need in Language Arts and Math. Specific instruction and practice are provided in all areas of needed growth. Progress monitoring is done between the diagnostics.
In May, Students in Grades 3-5 participate in the end-of-year Smarter Balanced Assessments in English and Math, both of which are administered through the state of California's Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).